Accommodation in Venice
0 CommentDear participants to the next SeSaMO Conference in Venice, here you can find a list of accommodation facilities, from the cheapest to the most comfortable in town!
Dear participants to the next SeSaMO Conference in Venice, here you can find a list of accommodation facilities, from the cheapest to the most comfortable in town!
Dear Friends & Colleagues, The Italian Association for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO) announces a call for papers for its annual conference to be held at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice on January 16-17, 2015. We are seeking papers for the following panels (see below). If interested, please contact the panels’ directors with a paper abstract…
The XII Conference of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO), on the theme “Beyond the Arab Uprisings: rediscovering the MENA region”, will be hosted by Ca’ Foscari University in Venice on January 16-17, 2015. The call for panels will be open until April 30, 2014. A subsequent call for papers will be circulated. You…
Dal 17 al 19 settembre 2013 avrà luogo a Pavia presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Socialidell’Università di Pavia in collaborazione con il Centro Studi Popoli Extraeuropei “Cesare Bonacossa” l’’XI Convegno SeSaMO dal titolo: Fare la cittadinanza. Pratiche di esclusione e inclusione, rivendicazioni e soggettività in Medio Oriente e in Europa Nel contesto del…
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