Panels and Papers (with abstracts)


Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Università di Torino, Campus Luigi Einaudi

Percorsi di resistenza in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa

14th Conference of the Italian Society for Middle Eastern Studies (SeSaMO)

Turin, 31 January–2 February 2019

Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi

Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa

Panel e Paper (con abstract) / Panels and Papers

Cliccare su un titolo per visualizzarne tutti gli abstract
Click above a title (in English) to browse all its abstracts

 1. The Middle East’s interaction with Horn of Africa States and the shifting balance of power
 2. Anti-Westernism and intellectual resistance to imperialism in the Middle East and North Africa
 3. Lavoro e mobilitazione in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa / Labour and mobilization in the Middle East and North Africa
 4. Fare archivio, lasciare traccia, avere memoria: fonti sulla resistenza e la subalternità in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa
 5. “Resistance is Life”. Paths of resistance in Kurdish arts and literature
 6. Nuove forme di resistenza dal basso in Iran: attori e prassi
 7. Ordinary people, resistance and the politicization of urban spaces and environment in the MENA region
 8. Exploring the role of foreign debt in the MENA crisis of the 1980s
 9. The paradigm of resistance: Tracking the course of the left in the Middle East and North Africa
10. Challenging narratives of oppression: Middle Eastern Studies and the politics of research
11. Cento anni di Resistenza: sulle tracce della letteratura araba resistenziale del Novecento
12. Politique, sexualités non-normatives et résistances en Afrique du Nord
13. A Liberation Theology approach to Jihad
14. Post-1967 gender roles and resistance to authoritarianism in contemporary Syrian literature
15. A geography of Contentious Politics: Investigating the spatial dimensions of social mobilization
16. Methodologies of resistance: A critical Muslim Studies appraisal
17. Law as Resistance
18. Far from the eyes, far from the agenda? Political parties and activism in the MENA: Between innovation, resistance and resilience
19. Che fine ha fatto il nazionalismo arabo? / What happened to Arab nationalism?
20. Rethinking resistance in Middle Eastern popular music
21. Language(s) of resistance in the Arab world
22. Società civile, mobilitazione dal basso e impegno politico in Israele/Palestina
23. Le scritture del sé come forza di resistenza
24. Resistenze e contro-narrazioni intersezionali nel mondo arabo. Prospettive interdisciplinari
25. Trajectories and perspectives of activism and resistance. History from below and subaltern politics in the Middle East and North Africa
26. Percorsi di dissidenza e impegno civile in Turchia dagli anni Ottanta a oggi
27. Resistance and scholarship. What resistance for academics?
28. The language of resistance in post-revolutionary Iran
29. Ripensare l’imperialismo e l’antimperialismo nello spazio ottomano e post ottomano (1870-1924)
30. Forme, reti e percorsi di resistenza Sufi
31. Attori, pratiche e temi della resistenza nella storia e nella memoria della Libia contemporanea (1835-2011) / Actors, practices, and themes of resistance in the history and memory of contemporary Libya (1835-2011)
32. Becoming activists in North Africa and the Middle East. Paths of political subjectivation during and after the uprisings
33. Resisting through art: Aesthetic forms of defiance in the Middle East and North Africa
34. Trajectories of ‘resistance ’: Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in the Syrian battlefront
35. Donne, genere e politica nelle società musulmane: verso una rinascita storiografica?
36. Urban practices of resistance and contention in Lebanon before and after the civil war

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